Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wildcat Gorge Trail

Today, Bradford and I went on a 2 hour hike that turned into 3 hours. But I am so thankful that we got to go. It was a great time had by all....even Mr. Harley. However, Mr. Harley is now on the his pillow passed out.

Well anywho...Highlights of our journey.

1. We got to be navigators for the day.
2. Got to break in my new hiking shoes that Bradford got for me as a Christmas present.
3. Played slip and slide with the muddy paths.
4. Spent the day in a Kola Heaven...There were eucalyptus trees all along the path.
5. Great weather for hiking.
6. Almost got lost due to unclear signs but thankfully we turned around and found our way.
7. Helped a lady catch her dog named Charlie...Made my think of Harley's friend named Charlie in Charleston, SC
8. Got to try a new hobby...we will see if it last.
9. Loved seeing Brad enjoying it.
10. Spending time together. :)

Here are some pics....

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year...New Goals

New Goals for 2010...

To be more DISCIPLINE....I have realized that I am a planner, an organizer, but not discipline. You think if I could plan and put things into action I would be discipline. Not the case.

I have a hard time doing things like...watching what I eat. I will start a week saying okay this week no treats. But all it takes is one excuse and I cave oh the HOLIDAYS!!

And I am going to be really really honest to...I even have a hard time flossing. :) Bradford really doesn't understand this one. But if I am tired I crawl right into bed without batting an eye at good dental hygiene. Sad I know.

Exercise...well I will get a good running start but then after a bit I put that on the back burner. I think well I did a good 2 weeks and then take a week off that turns into a month off. :)

See what I mean....I start off with all good intentions but then it goes to pots.

Number one goal this year....Be more discipline. If I am going to set my mind to something I need to stick with it. :) I will keep posted on what I decide to set my mind to.

What about you?? Any goals for the new year??

Much Love!!! :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Only in California...

I have to tell you a story that really happened here.

We went out with a group of people for Archie Jackson's birthday. Afterward, we decided to walk downtown a little. Stopped by Pinkberry...which is a new fav now and then on to Borders (a bookstore here). Well while we were in there Rebecca decided to use the restroom. When she returned her face was all red and she was trying to real hard to hold in laugh...Of course, we started asking her what in the world was going on??? We were puzzled and interested. So through the laughs she tells us what happen in the restroom. In the stall next to her there were a few things that were off....So the lady's shoes were face the toilet...1st clue something was off. Then the lady in a baby talking voice say "Come on, just pee pee in the toilet." ???? After repeating this saying Becca heard a whimper from a small pup. YES, a DOG!!!! A lady was trying to get her dog to pee in the toilet so she wouldn't have to walk him/her to the grass section that was 2 ft. outside of Borders.

ONLY IN CALIFORNIA....And yes, I have talked to someone personally here who has trained their cat to use their toilet. I don't think I want my 135 pound Great Dane trying to use our bathroom....too many thoughts come to mind on that note. :P

Much Love!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Up and coming...

So I am going to try to update and continue with this....So be expecting a few post coming.

Latest events...Christmas Parties, Family coming into town and Christmas Lights. :)

Can't wait. A lot going on...good, bad, and growth.

Hope you have an awesome day!!!


Friday, October 23, 2009

A few moments...

Quick update with a promise to come back with pics and stories....

Well we are here. Arrived on Wednesday the 21st. I am so excited but so scared at the same time. I know God has a plan but I have no way of telling what it is at this time. We are still looking for a house and more part-time jobs. Thankfully, a girl that we met when we were here in Feb. is out of town and is letting us and Harley stay at her place. So THANKFUL!! We can wash clothes, cook dinner and have Harley with us (until Wed.).

Prayer request at this time: House and jobs!!! And to not loose my mind. :)

Hopefully the next blog will be from our new home.

Much Love!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I have been meaning to get on here.  I have had some good days go by right recently.  And I even took pics.  :)  I said good-bye to some very dear friends, went to see Grandma, and went to another conference.  All very good and very insightful, except for the good-byes. So can't wait to share it with you. However, I can't share about it now.  I am in the beginning hours of "The Packing Day."  I can't believe it is here.  It's THE day.  Tomorrow at 5 a.m. we will be California bound and I will most likely be balling eyes out for 5 hours or more. So I will have to share all the adventures when we arrive in California and pics.  

For the East Coast....I have loved every minute of being over on this side of the US.  Loved all the people and food. :)  Can't continue on about all I love about this place b/c the crying will begin now. :) 

Look forward to what God has in store for us.  To Him be the Glory forever.

Much Love until Wednesday!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

God and Awesomeness.

The last couple of days have been just what I needed. My man and I went to the Catalyst conference in Atlanta, GA.  At first, I thought we were crazy taking a trip right before we take a 5 day road trip. But boy did God use the conference to refresh, restore, and reassure my soul. 
This is Brad and I on Thursday morning. SO EXCITED.  You could feel God's presence just waiting to errupt. Come to find out, there was 13,000 people.  It felt so amazing to be worshiping with that many fellow believers. 

This guy right here has been influencing my life for about a year and a half.  It's Andy Stanley. I don't know what it is about him but when he speaks it clicks in my head. So if you are looking to grow and stretch make sure to pick up his books or listen to his podcast. 

Look at all the people!!! The theme was "On your mark"... the reason for the X stage.

After having two days of mind blowing information put into our heads this was all we could do at the end of the the peg game in silence at Crackel Barrel. :)

Some of the things that went on at Catalyst:
1. Guy jumped from 35 ft. into a kiddie pool of 12 inches of water. 

2. Armored truck and limo pull into the Convention center. 

3. 13,000 people played football in the arena.

4. Heard from over 20 speakers in less than 48 hours. 

5. A grown Compassion kid meet his donor for the very first time. I was a puddle on the floor when that happened.

6. Got to hear from Andy twice.

7. Speakers that spoke to me - Dave Ramsey, Chuck Swindoll, Andy of course, Louie, Rob Bell, Marcus Gladwell, etc etc

8. Learned that Chuck Swindoll's sister taught him how to smoke. 

9. Learned that Chuck Swindoll hit his wife on purpose with a battery while checking the fire alarm.

10. Most important, God was there and speaking to my heart. 

Go here for podcast from this conference:

Much Love!!!